Foundational Doctrine

We are an Apostolic Church

  • SALVATION – by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour through personal confession and renouncing every sinful act to live as a child of God.
  • BAPTISM – being immersed in water in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit to be buried in the likeness of His death, to be raised in the likeness of His death and to walk in the newness of life under the hands of an anointed servant of God.
  • HOLY SPIRIT – to be baptized in the Holy Spirit with an initial evidence of speaking in Tongues.
  • SEPARATED – to be not unequally yoked with the unbelievers and to live a separated lifestyle from this world and its pleasures.
  • DIVINE HEALTH AND DIVINE HEALING – Believing in the Lord’s stripes that we will be healed from all sicknesses.
  • ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION – through the preaching of the Word and by rededicating our lives every day to be entirely sanctified before the Rapture.
  • RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD – to be resurrected at the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, as an overcomer before the 7 years of Tribulation begines.
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